Jane Anderson | The Consulting Coach

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Episode 66- Remote Leadership Expert, Author, Coach Cheryle Walker

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Remote Leadership Expert, Author, Coach Cheryle Walker Jane Anderson

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In this episode of The Jane Anderson Show, my special guest is Cheryle Walker. She is a consultant, facilitator and instructional designer of LIVE online workshops, webinars and events. She works almost exclusively in the virtual world, connecting and creating impactful interactions, using technology to teach, communicate, design, curate, and influence with esprit!

As a learning and development professional, she's a perceptive value-creator with 20 years of experience in using web-conferencing software to hold and engage an audience live online. Almost 10 years of consulting within an appreciable kitchen sink of industries and sectors have given her the grip and insight to recommend and implement targeted approaches tailored for specific audiences.

Take the time to listen to Cheryle today.

You can find Cheryle on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/cheryleewalker/ or at https://cheryleewalker.com/

Key Takeaways from Today’s Episode:

Full Show Transcript:

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