"Quit or be exceptional. Average is for losers"

It was June 2012. I started my career and executive coaching practice in 2010 so I was two years in. I had left my corporate role leading the capability of one of Australia’s largest retailers to start my own business. I had finally started the dream of helping people more and doing more of what I love.

After a demoralising divorce and having to move back in with my parents at 30 I felt like I was back on track! But reality started to hit…


Jane’s Story

I was so frustrated.

Whilst I was able to get clients, after the first two years I realised I was working too hard for the return. I was working 100 hour weeks delivering coaching, contracting as a trainer and exhausted trying to do it all myself.

So I met with a mentor for a coffee who seemed to be doing really well, looked happy and certainly not as tired as I felt! I asked …

“Have I done the wrong thing by starting my own business?

Have I bitten off more than I can chew?

I don’t know if I can do this… do you think I should go back to a job?”

They challenged me to really think about why started in the first place. I said I really wanted to use my skills to their potential, help more people than sitting behind a desk in a corporate role and to be able to create a lifestyle of fun, freedom and fulfilment. I really felt like I had a second chance after my divorce and it was now or never!

They then asked me “so what would it take to become on the best in world at what you do?

This question stopped me in my tracks. I’d never thought of this question before. I figured to be the best in the world that this was something people decide about you or only happens to people like Olympic athletes.

Her question really stuck with me and I ruminated on it for months…

You need to be exceptional.

Six months later I went on to join a Thought Leadership Program with Matt Church and things began to change. My business went on a growth trajectory and I became a faculty member helping hundreds of others over the following 7 years, especially women with consulting and advisory services in the corporate B2B space.

Nowadays, I help Consultants, Thought Leaders, CEO's, Leaders and Entrepreneurs to be 'Exceptional'. I play at the intersections of uniqueness and continuous improvement, helping people to be both different and to be better so they are both uncopyable 
and irreplaceable.

Being an early adopter and innovator, I've made all the mistakes. I’m the one trying new ways of doing business to stand out from the crowd but in a way that isn't about selfies, but more about service and helping people achieve their goals.

People buy from people. And they buy from people who they know, like and trust.

After working with some of Australia's most recognised brands since I was 14 years old, I have learnt that we are our own brand. Dr Graeme Codrington, futurist quoted in Inc Magazine, identified that the future of work is about the ability to brand ourselves effectively so we can communicate who we are and attract opportunities to us.

The challenge is we have this thing in Australia called the ‘Tall Poppy Syndrome’, where it's not cool to stand out. So how can you stand out without being criticised and told to 'pull your head in?".

It’s absolutely possible.

I’m best known for my ability to bring out the best in people in a pragmatic, resourceful and authentically inspiring way. As a result, I’ve won more than 65 awards in branding, marketing, sales and communication.

I’ve also been featured on numerous television shows, newspapers and magazines and am in the Top 1% of viewed profiles on LinkedIn. I've been voted in the top 3 branding experts in the world and recognised by the Queensland Government in the Queensland Voices, Women in Business Program.

I spent a large part of my career leading sales teams and in leadership development in retailing and government. I have coached CEOs, business leaders and entrepreneurs to connect and inspire their teams and customers through online and face-to-face experiences. I became a manager at 20 when my oldest team member was 70 years old, and the youngest was 40. I’ve experienced the challenges of leading and engaging a team to achieve outstanding results.

I have worked with over 150,000 people with their Personal and Business Brands. I've been featured in The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, BBC Online, Today Tonight, Mornings on Channel 9, Management Today & Marie Claire. I have written twelve books on how to brand, market and sell yourself effectively.

I have delivered programs for a broad range of clients including Telstra, Virgin Australia, Lego, IKEA, Sunsuper, Origin, Rio Tinto, Australian Medical Association, AIA Insurance, TUH, Super Retail Group, Dominos, Conoco Phillips, Xstrata, QGC, Origin Energy, IP Australia, Griffith Uni, International Rice Research Institute, Latrobe Instiute of Moelcular Science, RDNS, Dept of Defence, QLD Transport, CITEC, AusAid, Stanwell, QUT, Gold Coast City Council, TAFE.

As a keynote speaker, people say I’m captivating and inspiring. I have a natural ability to connect with any audience, meet them where they are and take them to a place where they can see that exceptionality is really a possibility for them at both work and home.

I believe life is too short to do work that does not make a difference. So I do work I like, with people I like, in a way that I think can get results. As a result, I have a set of criteria that I work within:

  • You need to be motivated by results.

  • We need to connect.

  • I need to know that I can truly add value to what you want to achieve. If not, I’ll recommend someone else.

Purchase one of Jane's Books

Jane is the author of 13 books on personal branding, strategic communication, influence, marketing and sales. To order one of her books, click below!

Highlights about Jane

  • Certified Professional Speaker (CSP Designation with National Speakers Association and Professional Speaker Association)

  • Author of 13 books

  • Voted in Global Gurus the top 3 branding experts in the world

  • Voted top 25 branding blogs in the world

  • Won over 65 awards on branding, marketing and sales

  • Finalist in Queensland Women in Business Awards 2018

  • Bronze and Silver Medals for Business Coaching for Female Entrepreneurs at the Global Stevie Awards in New York

  • One of 19 Queensland Voices, Women in Business 2019

  • Certified Personal Branding Strategist

  • Book Yourself Solid Certified Associate

  • Asana Certified Pro

  • Forbes Contributor

  • Professional Certified Coach (Association of Coaching)

  • Fascinate Certified Advisor

  • Accredited Career Counsellor and Advisor (Career Development Association of Australia)

  • Professional Speakers Australia (PSA) Preferred Partner for 2024-2025

  • Featured on Sky Business, Mornings, Today Show, The Age, Marie Claire, Sydney Morning Herald Today Tonight, CLEO Magazine, Brisbane Business News

Awards and Nominations

Brisbane Women in Business Awardee

Top 6 Branding Blog Australia

Top 30 Branding Expert

Social Media & PR Gold Award

Best Strategic Branding Coach and Consultant

Top 25 Branding Blog Globally

Attention Out Award

Entrepreneur of The Year

Mentor Coach of the Year

Top 7 Branding Expert

Top 2 Branding Program Globally

Top 3 Best Branding Expert

Top 25 Branding Expert Globally

Top 3 Branding Expert

Top 6 Must-Read Branding Blogs for Marketers & Brand Management Professionals

Coach of The Year

Queensland Women’s Voices

Top 2 Best Branding Program

Get in touch with Jane and her team to stop struggling and start elevating today!

What they are saying…

  • “Before working with Jane Anderson I was really doubting my choice to run a business. Despite having the skills and knowledge to create amazing work for my clients I just wasn't able to translate that into a successful business. Jane has shown me how to connect with my audience in a way that suits them and builds trust. She has also shown me how to effectively nurture existing business relationships to grow my business quickly. It's now 4 days into the new month and I have only 3 days of availability left to book in. On top of that my average sale has increased between by 25% to 100%. And that is not from simply increasing prices, it's from being able to communicate with my clients on what services I can provide to them, it's educating them on what is best for their business and on how to leverage their time and investment with me.”

    Kerrin Smith, Photography Expert

  • "The value of my name and reputation has been passed down through generations in my family. Your personal brand and personalised experiences is what people really want to connect with, so much more than products. Jane's book captures some of the most practical ways to make this come to life and grow your career and business." If you get the opportunity to work with Jane either on a one on one or at one of her many seminars please do, she has certainly changed the way I look at branding my business and has helped me enormously over the past 10 years with ideas to help increase sales and improve my branding. Jane has made me realise that I have worked very hard over the last 24 years to get my name out there, and to have it respected in my industry, so therefore I should be proud to put it out there not hide it away. She is a true professional and one of the most honest, reliable and passionate woman in her industry."

    Tracey Mathers, Leadership and Success Expert, footwear retailer

  • “If you are wanting to get traction with your business growth, lead generation and LinkedIn, there is no better person than Jane Anderson. She is a complete Thought Leader in this space and even better, she acts and lives her recommendations and is a beautiful, generous person with it. She takes you from ideas to action super-fast! I am in awe of Jane's drive, willingness to share and leverage everything for impact. Jane truly connects and makes impact. She is a world leader and an amazing, inspirational woman with it. I recommend you connect with Jane and your business and life will be better for it."

    Kelly Tomney, Personal branding and employer branding expert

  • “Jane is very intelligent, dedicated & one of the most sincere individuals with whom I have had the pleasure to know. After being mentored by Jane over a 12 month period, I seen first hand her understanding, attention to detail and compassion for her mentee's. Jane is constantly enthusiastic
and extremely generous with her time. She has demonstrated through her work that she is determined to maximise results for everyone she works with through understanding their goals and what they wish to achieve. Jane is an excellent educator and teacher who instructs with inspiration and passion that can only come from the heart.”

    Ritchie Gibson, Leadership Expert and motivational Speaker

  • “Jane Anderson is the go-to expert for building your personal brand. She helps leaders and business owners transform their relationship with social media from one of awkwardness to that of a powerful business- building ally”

    Dan Gregory, CEO of the Impossible Institute, regular guest on ABC’s Gruen Transfer

  • “Jane is an outstanding and motivational trainer, very thorough in her preparation and exceptional in her delivery. She has a special gift for sharing her passions with people, particularly with customer service skills, interpersonal skills, and preparing people to take the next step in their careers. I thoroughly recommend Jane as a trainer, facilitator and coach."

    Fiona Loughlan, Executive Leader

  • “After establishing a consultancy a few years ago, I felt my brand needed to mature to take into account the shift in my client base and my own expertise. Plus I was too close to my own material and blind to my own weak points. Jane was empathetic, yet effective, and her knowledge of marketing and lead generation for thought leaders and influencers is second to none. With just a few sessions I have repositioned myself in the market place and created a whole new range of offerings that will enable me to have far bigger impact.”

    Amanda Blesing, ‍Women and Diversity Expert

  • “Jane, I’d just like to thank you. Your coaching using the Lead Generation Indicator has given me the structure, tools and processes to help move my practice forward. There’s still a lot of work to do, but I’m feeling much more confident about how to get it all done to drive my practice forward. It was exactly the sort of insights I needed. Thank you."

    James Anderson,‍ Growth Mindset Expert

  • “Jane’s knowledge and in-depth understanding of how best to leverage LinkedIn for lead generation and business growth is phenomenal. The tips and tools she shared so magnanimously in her engaging presentation enabled everyone in the room to improve how they connect on LinkedIn. I have already seen the results of implementing her advice! And if that’s not enough, her warmth, approachability and generosity is truly inspiring."

    Bianka Barett,‍ Executive Manager for Dr Jason Fox, Australian Speaker of the Year 2016.

  • “Jane's depth of knowledge around how to create impact using Linked In is unsurpassed. She walks her talk and I would recommend Jane if you need to learn how to boost your business impact using easy to implement steps but also gain deeper understanding of profile development and the important back end functions of Linked In.”

    Lisa Renn, Motivation expert

  • “Jane is a powerhouse of knowledge and expertise in maximising linkedin strategy, social selling
on linkedin and B2B Linkeidn Lead generation. She is incredibly generous with her knowledge as demonstrated at a recent Thought Leader event where she was a keynote speaker. She was insightful, shared her expertise generously and entertaining. Jane thank you for all the incredibly valuable tips,
the effortless way you shared the immense knowledge that you have so that we could walk away with so many tangible actions to implement.”

    Pollyanna Lenkic, Women in leadership Expert

  • “Jane spent an hour working with a third year group of masters students. Her material was pragmatic, down to earth and thoughtful, clearly based on a deep understanding of how to make the best use of social media. She worked confidently with the group, who appreciated her capacity to respond to their particular curiosities.”

    Dr. Paul Lawrence, Lecturer in Coaching at Sydney Business School (University of Wollongong)

  • "It has been amazing to have just 2 days of discipline and of focus and the time and space to sit and really create content. Jane teaches an amazing blueprint and an amazing process for getting your ideas out of your head and onto paper. Before coming to this weekend I had lots of ideas floating around for my new book but I didn't have any structure and it was very frustrating. What I feel like I've got now is around about 50 pieces of content that are going to form the chapters in the book. So I feel like I'm well on my way in just two days of having a structure for a new book. So it's been very, very helpful and very worthwhile and I've got a lot out of it. Thanks, Jane."

    Amanda Stevens, Consumer Futurist Expert

  • "Productivity Hack!! Putting yourself in a room with like-minded people and follow a structured and
well-supported process to get your brilliance out of your head and down on the page is a no-brainer! Jane Anderson’s Content Creation Bootcamp is 2 days to 52 pieces of IP. I already booked for her next Content Creation Bootcamp before I finished the one I was attending."

    Sally Foley Lewis, Productive Leadership Expert

  • “We have paid for Jane to train here at QGC covering a variety of topics including Outlook Essentials and Time Management. She has also come and spoken at our Women’s master class Series.Jane has always been a pleasure to work with and received positive feedback during training and post follow up discussions. I would have no hesitation in recommending her to anyone and look forward to working with her again in the future."

    Megan Radford, Learning and Development OfficerQGC

  • "Jane is an rare gem on the speaking circuit. She is highly motivational and thought provoking for her audience. Her sessions are one of the highlights of the year for the Griffith Business School Student Leaders. She is always prepared and her delivery is tailored to her audience. She has assisted Griffith Business Students to increase their awareness of branding and their online presence. I highly recommend her to all industry/clients seeking expertise in personal branding."

    Joanne Fairclough, Student Development Coordinator Griffith Business School

  • “I had the privilege to see Jane on stage as a keynote speaker at the UNLEASH event for women recently. What an amazing woman – she has it all going on and walks her talk! She’s an absolute expert in all areas of personal branding and how to attract more clients and even the ideal job! If you want to stand out – and who doesn’t, Jane is the one to go to for all things around personal branding.”

    Christina Guidotti, Christina Guidotti International

  • "As committee member for Women in Super (a not for profit professional development and networking group for women in the superannuation industry), I engaged Jane to deliver a Personal Branding and Career Masterclass for our members. Many of these ladies I had worked with or known professionally for a number of years, so recommending an external speaker was something that I took very seriously. I knew that whomever I recommended should be a reflection of me and therefore it was imperative that I choose carefully. I had no hesitation in recommending Jane as our presenter. Throughout the process, pre and post event, Jane was professional and focussed on the best possible outcome for participants. The workshop proved to be a huge success. Such was the level of interest, we had to call for and review, nominations, using carefully designed applications and a selection process to choose the fortunate participants. Throughout this process I worked closely with Jane and gained a clear understanding of her level of knowledge and expertise in personal branding and career development. Jane generously shared so much practical information at the workshop that all participants were energised and motivated to make positive changes in their lives. Many reported making some degree of change to their brand or to their career."

    Flavia Formica, Southwood- Women in Super Committee Chair

  • "Jane is an exceptional facilitator, presenter and coach for executives and senior managers. She works closely with our Learning & Development team at Sunsuper to deliver a range of development programs in leadership, personal branding, personal and professional effectiveness, and she always delivers outstanding results."

    Leanne Wicker, HR Director Sunsuper

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