
Leadership Jane Anderson Leadership Jane Anderson

The Power of Calm Communications

COVID-19 has been a time of massive disruption for teams and leaders. But as we’re coming out the other side, rather than finding a return to business as usual, leaders are finding that their teams are going through a second wave of disruption.

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Leadership Jane Anderson Leadership Jane Anderson

Leading a Remote Team

Millions of people across the globe are now working virtually. This makes for an interesting and sometimes challenging situation for leaders who are trying to understand how leading a remote team can work well from behind a computer screen.

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New Year’s Removals, Routines and a Ruckus- Create Success in 2020

It might sound a bit odd, but I cut back on anything that would generate too many new enquiries, such as videos, speaking events, travel and client load. I started to assess some bigger questions so I could create a life by design.

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What Type of Content Creator are You? How to Become Prolific in Your Content Creation

I recently worked with Megan, who came to work with me on her content strategy and creation for her business. She said, “I’m really struggling. I want to create content like videos, blogs and podcasts, but I just feel like I’ve lost my creative mojo.

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Lighthouse Leadership and Keeping the Vision Clear | Visible Leadership

One of my favourite places in the world is Cape Byron Lighthouse at Byron Bay. I have fond memories of climbing up to the lighthouse with my sisters and cousins on weekends to take in the view over the New South Wales coast, at Australia’s most easterly point.

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