
What Type of Content Creator are You? How to Become Prolific in Your Content Creation

I recently worked with Megan, who came to work with me on her content strategy and creation for her business. She said, “I’m really struggling. I want to create content like videos, blogs and podcasts, but I just feel like I’ve lost my creative mojo.

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Leader to Ambassador: How to Go from Attracting to Finding Talent

In the book, he talks about the two teams traditionally found in every workplace: management and labour. He also talks about a new third team – the linchpins. These are people who figure out what to do when there’s no rule book.

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The 4 Most Underutilised Influencers You Need To Use In Your Marketing Strategy

In 2014, there was an important change of legislation in Australia regarding superannuation arrangements and self-managed super funds. At the time, I had written several LinkedIn profiles for a superannuation company and noticed a real lack of information about this change.

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LinkedIn Jane Anderson LinkedIn Jane Anderson

What Type of LinkedIn Profile are You

I recently worked with a client, Peter, in financial services, who said he was spending a lot of time trying to grow his business through LinkedIn but found he was wasting so much time that he gave up and decided to just focus on his old sales methods.

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