
Business Growth, Productivity Jane Anderson Business Growth, Productivity Jane Anderson

The Benefits of a High Performance Task and Project Management System

I have a client who is an expert whose practice is really gaining traction. She’s busy and growing and those are all great things. But she’s struggling with her productivity. She needs systems.

The benefits of a project management system and a task management system — particularly when they’re high performing — can't be overstated.

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New Year’s Removals, Routines and a Ruckus- Create Success in 2020

It might sound a bit odd, but I cut back on anything that would generate too many new enquiries, such as videos, speaking events, travel and client load. I started to assess some bigger questions so I could create a life by design.

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Influence, Productivity Jane Anderson Influence, Productivity Jane Anderson

8 Steps to Remove Creative Blocks

One of the things that hold people back from their expert to influencer journey is removing creative blocks. We often have all this knowledge bubbling away in our heads, but the only way you’ll see yourself shifting from being an expert to an influencer is by sharing your knowledge and ideas.

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TRACTION: How to Leverage Your Time and Increase Your Productivity as an Industry Influencer

When I was the head of training for a large organisation 10 years ago, I was sitting at my desk in my office on a Saturday. I was designing and finishing the time management program I was going to deliver the following week as I knew I wasn’t going to have enough time to finish it during the coming week.

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Personal Branding, Productivity Jane Anderson Personal Branding, Productivity Jane Anderson

5 Ways to Get Your Team to Take Responsibility for Their Own Fulfillment at Work

I worked with a client called Jason. He’s spent 15 years in corporate life as a Business Analyst and enjoys the work he does but finds he gets itchy feet every 18 months or so. He finds it hard to connect with his boss as he always cancels his 1-1 meetings and he’s not really feeling like he’s achieving his potential.

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