
From Transaction to Tribe: Where Influencers Spend Their Time Differently

In 2015 something seismic happened in the world of Instagram. At the time, Taylor Swift overtook Kim Kardashian in terms of followers, surpassing her at the 45 million-follower mark. At the time Kim had released a coffee table book called “Selfish” and to date has published 4396 posts.

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TRACTION: How to Leverage Your Time and Increase Your Productivity as an Industry Influencer

When I was the head of training for a large organisation 10 years ago, I was sitting at my desk in my office on a Saturday. I was designing and finishing the time management program I was going to deliver the following week as I knew I wasn’t going to have enough time to finish it during the coming week.

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Why be Your Industry Influencer? Business Growth by Leveraging your Personal Brand

We are in a golden age of solopreneurs: independent, innovative experts who are turning the traditional working model on its head. No longer content with working under layers of organisational management, workers around the globe are increasingly making the decision to take full control of their careers.

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How to Attract New Clients and Increase Sales through Public Speaking

Public speaking is a golden ticket to creating awareness and generating leads. It’s where you can truly let your personality and expertise shine. It’s also great for gaining an insight into your audience’s problems and how you can help, which is crucial for refining your services.

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