4 Simple Rules to Finding the Right Mentor
I don’t know about you, but I don’t really watch much TV. Something I do love to do though is watch The Voice. The mix of talent, both performers and coaches in one room astounds me and I always wonder if they
The Top 5 Things Damaging your Personal Brand
Everyone is time poor, there are so many things going on and choices to be made every day. People often ask me, “if I had to implement just a handful of touch points that communicate my brand well what would they be?”
What's the Vision in Your Ideal Work Week?
Have you ever had a week where you look back and go…. this was a dream week? Do you have a vision that you can articulate what your ideal week would look like? As I reflect on the last week I reflect how important our vision is……
Brand for the Solopreneur: Should I use my Personal Facebook Page for my Business?
I get asked this question regularly as I see people who are trying to build a business though a hobby on the side of their job or are a full blown solopreneur. The challenge is to be able to streamline and anyone who knows me knows I’ll try to find the fastest way to get a result!
Why do People Think She's Really Busy and I'm Not?
Yesterday I delivered training to a group and two women were sitting next to each other in the course. One asked “why do people in the business have a perception that she’s really busy and I’m not?
Great News! You Too Can Become a LinkedIn Influencer
LinkedIn have announced an exciting and significant change last week that helps position you even more as a thought leader and expert in your industry.
Your Elevator Pitch- How to Create a Killer LinkedIn Summary
We live in a competitive world and if you want to make an impact, you need to be in control of your online presence, personal brand, cultural fit and reputation. Failing to give adequate attention to your LinkedIn profile may not only result in you missing out on potential contacts,
What are You Running to? The 6 Secrets of the Most Successful Self-marketers
In today’s busy world it’s so hard to prioritise, I know. My clients will call me and say “I hate my job, I don’t like these tasks, I’m being overlooked, I’m not heard or I need more money”. A question I often ask them is “What are you running to as opposed to running from?”
Top 5 tips for Managing Distractions
Are you managing distractions or are they managing them? I recently worked with a client who was feeling overwhelmed in his work.
Smiling = Branding
I recently flew on a Virgin flight from Brisbane to Canberra to deliver a Science of Achieving Your Potential program and I got into thinking about authentic happiness at work.
Be Prepared!
I recently delivered a keynote at a conference with close to 1000 delegates in attendance. I had submitted my presentation two weeks early as they needed to brand the slides themselves.