
Influence Jane Anderson Influence Jane Anderson

We’re Less Noisy than We Think

I first started writing copy for newsletters, websites and social media 10 years ago – but I had one big fear. My fear was the dreaded unsubscribe button; that people would stop reading what I had to share.

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Influence, Productivity Jane Anderson Influence, Productivity Jane Anderson

8 Steps to Remove Creative Blocks

One of the things that hold people back from their expert to influencer journey is removing creative blocks. We often have all this knowledge bubbling away in our heads, but the only way you’ll see yourself shifting from being an expert to an influencer is by sharing your knowledge and ideas.

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Influence Jane Anderson Influence Jane Anderson

Trusted at the Right Place and Time

Being at the right place at the right time builds trust and can be life-changing for your customers and teams. Dutch visual artist Berndnaut Smilde is best known for creating perfect miniature clouds in unusual locations from coal mines to cathedrals.

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Trusted is Empathy

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Seth Godin on the Jane Anderson Show Podcast. Seth Godin is a legend in the business world and has been nicknamed the godfather of modern marketing. Author of 19 books, thousands of blogs and podcasts, he is able to captivate a wide audience with his infectious enthusiasm and sharp humour.

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Leader to Ambassador: How to Go from Attracting to Finding Talent

In the book, he talks about the two teams traditionally found in every workplace: management and labour. He also talks about a new third team – the linchpins. These are people who figure out what to do when there’s no rule book.

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The 4 Most Underutilised Influencers You Need To Use In Your Marketing Strategy

In 2014, there was an important change of legislation in Australia regarding superannuation arrangements and self-managed super funds. At the time, I had written several LinkedIn profiles for a superannuation company and noticed a real lack of information about this change.

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