
Business Growth, Productivity Jane Anderson Business Growth, Productivity Jane Anderson

The Benefits of a High Performance Task and Project Management System

I have a client who is an expert whose practice is really gaining traction. She’s busy and growing and those are all great things. But she’s struggling with her productivity. She needs systems.

The benefits of a project management system and a task management system — particularly when they’re high performing — can't be overstated.

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Business Growth Jane Anderson Business Growth Jane Anderson

The Best CRM for Solopreneurs

One of the questions that I get asked the most in my communities is what's the best CRM for solopreneurs. This is an excellent question because your customer relationship management system is the heart of your practice.

The problem with this question is that it looks at the CRM in isolation. But your CRM is only a part of what you actually need as a thought leader or expert.

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Business Growth Jane Anderson Business Growth Jane Anderson

VA Outsourcing: How to Recruit a VA

Recently, I received a response to a newsletter I wrote about how to build your virtual team. One of my clients, Peter, had written me an email asking, ‘Where should I go to get trusted VA, or virtual assistant, support? Do you have an AI company you recommend?’

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Business Growth Jane Anderson Business Growth Jane Anderson

Crisis Proof Your Practice

With the bushfires, the drought and now the impact of the Coronavirus, it is essential to find ways to crisis proof your practice or business. In fact, one in four businesses that are forced to shut down due to a disaster never reopens.

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New Year’s Removals, Routines and a Ruckus- Create Success in 2020

It might sound a bit odd, but I cut back on anything that would generate too many new enquiries, such as videos, speaking events, travel and client load. I started to assess some bigger questions so I could create a life by design.

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