
Content Creation, Personal Branding Jane Anderson Content Creation, Personal Branding Jane Anderson

Forbes Article: How to Create Pillar Content for Personal Brand Positioning

‘How to Create Pillar Content for Personal Brand Positioning’ was published on 25 November in Forbes Magazine. With 2020 drawing to a close, I’ve been thinking about the highs and lows of this year. Like, everyone, this year had more lows than typical, but it’s also had some incredible moments.

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Content Creation, Influence Jane Anderson Content Creation, Influence Jane Anderson

Why Content Marketing Works

When you’re in business or building your own personal brand you need to get noticed. You need to get clients and customers, awareness, and leads. And that means you need to be marketing.

Seth Godin is famous for saying, ‘content marketing is the only marketing left’. Here’s why content marketing works.

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Content Creation Jane Anderson Content Creation Jane Anderson

How to Measure Content Marketing Performance

When you’re posting content it’s easy to get caught in the vanity metrics around likes, comments and shares. And when you start looking at these to measure your content marketing performance it’s equally easy to wear yourself out trying to create more and more content, as you continue to chase more likes, comments, and shares.

Stop measuring vanity metrics like 'likes' and 'shares'. Learn how to measure content marketing performance for real success.

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Jane Anderson Jane Anderson

When to Post Content in 2020

When you’re creating content for social media one of the main challenges is reaching your target audience on each platform. It’s difficult to rise above the noise, get your content in front of the right people and make an impact.

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