Jane Anderson | The Consulting Coach

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Are You a Woman of Influence?

Are you a female solopreneur who has hit a wall in your practice?

Do you feel like you’re working hard and spinning the wheels but not gaining any traction?
Most female entrepreneurs I work with have felt this stagnation at some point. I understand it only too well, as I was in the same boat. No matter how hard I worked, I couldn’t grow. I was stuck. I was in a state of complete frustration and confusion.
And too often, just as we decide to try a different angle, the fear of failure sets in. I’m sure you know this feeling. According to one of the world’s largest studies on female entrepreneurship, fear of failure is the number one concern for female entrepreneurs.
Imposter Syndrome – the feeling of being a “fraud”, of never being good enough – can be debilitating. It’s sad to think that there are so many women who have a burning desire to serve and support others but step back because of FEAR.
In my experience, we step back from the practice of our dreams due to one or all of the following reasons:

  • Lack of branding: Who I am, what I know and how I help so I have the confidence to put myself out there. “The more authentic I feel, the more I can connect with others at a deep level.”

  • Lack of marketing: Sharing what I can do to generate leads and build a list of dream clients. “The more I know what to say, the more belief I have in my ability to communicate persuasively.”

  • Lack of selling: Knowing how to have an effective sales meeting without being pushy or using manipulative techniques. “The more I trust myself to deliver, the more confident I feel in selling myself and growing my practice.”

After mentoring so many clever women, what I know is this: women really do know more than they think they do. You don’t have to have a Ph.D. or a master’s degree in your area of expertise to understand it to its core.
In fact, as American feminist and journalist, Gloria Steinem said, “A person who has experienced something is almost always far more an expert on it than the experts.” 
More and more women are leaving the workforce to start their own practice. They are also living longer than men. So it’s more important than ever that the foundations for your sales, superannuation, and security are laid. More than this, you need to earn almost four times the income you earned in the workplace to cover expenses, superannuation, and tax, and still have something left over to pay yourself.
In Australia, 60% of small businesses are started by women. According to US labour force data, by 2020 more than 50% of people will be self-employed. Now is the time to share your expertise and lead with influence.
My questions to you are:

  • Do you have a plan?

  • Who is your tribe?

  • How much do you need to sell this year?

  • Who has your back as you try to grow?

  • Who can you call to ask, “What am I doing wrong?” and “Why am I not making any money?”

The list goes on.
We love helping clients. But often we need help with marketing, sales, scripts, and tools to help clients see our value to BUY!
Having been through every facet of business in the past 10 years, from a six-figure month to being outright broke, I know what it feels like to be stuck in a rut, ready to give up. But I didn’t give up.
So, after spending more than 20 years in marketing and building personality brands, I have developed the Women With InfluenceTM program to support and see women like you succeed!
You might be a female speaker, coach, author, stylist, photographer, health and wellbeing practitioner, lawyer, consultant or facilitator. You might work in the B2B or B2C space. Whatever your expertise, if you are over making mistakes and not making ends meet, it’s time we talked!
Why? Because the Women With InfluenceTM program is one of a kind. It’s full of smart and savvy curriculum to set you up for success. It’s full of women who want to make sh*t happen. Their to-do lists are full and they’re ready to share their expertise to have the lifestyle and freedom they desire.
But you must act now. The program is capped – yes, that’s right, it’s capped at 15 women in Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne.
Why? Because I want to create juicy conversations. I want women to have each other’s back. I want you to know that you have a tight-knit tribe behind you that supports your desires and keeps you accountable.
There are three goals for the Women with InfluenceTM 12-month group mentoring program:

  1. To build your turnover to $120,000 per year

  2. To build your database to over 3,200 ideal clients

  3. To build your social media following to 15,000

It’s your time to grow. It’s time to leverage your knowledge, your time and your energy. So dream big, ladies. Download the Women with InfluenceTM brochure for all the information and pricing details. Get in touch with me at 07 3841 7772 or email support@jane-anderson.com.au to organise a time to chat. 

Brisbane - 10 spots left

Sydney - 10 spots left

Melbourne - 13 spots left