Be Less Boring FFS!

Be Less Boring FFS!

Have you watched someone speak at a conference or watched a blog video and struggled to watch past the first 10 seconds?

An attendee at a recent event I spoke at shared one such video with me. The ironic thing was that the video was saying how to have impact in the first 30 seconds and it was boring, bland and basic.

Ain’t nobody got time for dat! Thirty seconds is way too looooooooonnnnngggg.

Gallup poll in 2013 said that 70% of people are disengaged. As Thought Leaders Global Founder Matt Church says "They don't care, they're not listening and you don't matter".

So what's your FFS.

No, I’m not swearing.

I mean your First Four Seconds.

If you don't get your audience’s attention in 4 seconds their attention is gone and you have to work hard to get it back. Done well, you gain traction quickly. Done poorly, it hinders progress in meetings, sales presentations, speaking events, coaching and training. With limited time and resources this is often done on the run.

So what can you do to make your first 4 seconds grab attention?

4 tips to be LESS BORING

and have MORE IMPACT fast!

  1. Add humour- you don’t have to be a professional comedian but have a laugh. Life’s too short to be serious. Humour fast tracks connection.

  2. Tell stories- Connect with others with short punchy interesting stories, not ones that drag on. Get to your point and make it interesting!

  3. Ask questions- If you’re not sure what to say, you can be less boring by asking others about themselves. People are their own favourite subject!

  4. Smile- Regardless of where you are in the world, it’s a universal language. Even better to show teeth if you have them!


Love to know your thoughts.......



Jane Anderson works with Sales Managers, Marketing Managers, Thought Leaders, Experts and CEO’s to leverage the expertise of their talent through LinkedIn.

She is an author of “CONNECT: How to Leverage Your LinkedIn Profile for Business Growth and Lead Generation.” Her 1 day Brisbane LinkedIn For Lead Generation Workshop can be delivered in-house.

To inquire about Jane speaking at your next event, please email or click here.


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