Jane Anderson | The Consulting Coach

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13 Questions People Ask When Looking at Your LinkedIn Profile

13 Questions People Ask When Looking at Your LinkedIn Profile

With over 347 million people now on LinkedIn, the noise can become a little overwhelming. I don’t know about you but I’m now removing some people from my feed or being skeptical of their motivation for attempting to connect. I find profiles are a bit of a mix of massive amounts of self-serving content with no value to the audience or completely empty profiles and you’re trying to guess what they do. It’s as if they haven’t thought or care about who is reading it.

Expert in vulnerability and TED speaker Brene Brown said:

“When you stop caring about what people think, you lose your capacity for connection”

and LinkedIn is all about connection.

According to William Aruda, we are in the age of “digital first” where many people know who you are before even meeting you face to face. Your profile will either attract or repel that person, long before they've even had a chance to meet you.

So here are some questions your LinkedIn profile, if written well, should answer……

  1. Why should I care?

  2. Can I see me in you?

  3. What makes you different?

  4. How will what you do benefit me?

  5. Do you understand my world?

  6. Who have you worked with that I know?

  7. What do people say about you?

  8. How effective have you been?

  9. Who has said you're any good?

  10. What's your perspective?

  11. How do I work with you?

  12. Where can I find more information?

  13. Are you fake account?

By thinking about your goal with your profile and how you can connect with others within the FFS (First Four Seconds) will allow you to have more meaningful connections and not be a waste of time on social media.

Love to know your thoughts……


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