Jane Anderson | The Consulting Coach

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What are You Running to? The 6 Secrets of the Most Successful Self-marketers

The 6 Secrets of the Most Successful Self-marketers

In today’s busy world it’s so hard to prioritise, I know.

My clients will call me and say “I hate my job, I don’t like these tasks, I’m being overlooked, I’m not heard or I need more money”. A question I often ask them is “What are you running to as opposed to running from?”

Here’s the secret to those who do it well and get ahead in their professional lives.

Those who are successful plan and create their own opportunities.

They don’t see a shiny new object and suddenly want it moving hell or high water to get it, then complain because everyone else wanted the same thing and they missed out. Then throw the toys out of the pram and give up saying it will never work.

Those who are successful plan and create their own opportunities. They take control and don’t get pushed around by circumstances.

 So how do they do it?

1. They read the writing on the wall and act early. They see the patterns and alarm bells. They think ahead and look at ways to position themselves ready for a new phase.

2. They’re clear about what they want. If not, they get someone to help them make it clear (i.e a coach, mentor, colleague, manager or friend). This helps them stay on purpose and amplify their brand.

3. They ensure all their collateral, touch points and marketing messages are clear- their LinkedIn profile is Search Engine Optimised based on what they want, not what they have currently. Their resume is written as a sales document for the future, not an obituary of the past. Their experiences with others are created with authentic connection and purpose.

4. They have a clear, executable strategy of who to approach, how they’re going to do it and expected failure rate. They realise that traditional job seeking paths are not the most effective.

5. When they fail, they fail fast and move on to plan B in the strategy.

6. They persist. They’re patient and don’t give up. By making sure they have done the planning correctly first the persistence is easier to stick with.

By simply reacting to what’s put in front of you, will only make you feel like the grass is always greener.

Take control, be clear about who you are and what you want. Then make sure the WORLD understands that, not just a select few. You never know who’s watching!

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