Episode 79 - (Fl)awesome Facilitation Expert, Mentor, Coach & Trainer, Jacinta Cubis
In this Jane Anderson Show episode, I'm glad to interview Jacinta Cubis. Jacinta Cubis is a facilitation expert who lights up the room and the screen with her energy.
She loves being a guide for groups on their journey to make decisions, generate ideas and solve problems.
She facilitates for you and builds your facilitation capability to:
🔸 Lead workshops and meetings with authentic flair.
🔸 Elevate engagement, boost collaboration and expand thinking in groups.
🔸 Get more value from, and have more fun in, meetings.
🔸 Deepen a team’s sense of belonging and how to work effectively together.
One of the things that sets Jacinta apart is that she thinks in pictures - fast! Her cartoons make it easy for people to talk about the hard stuff. Her illustrated e-book HUM helps fix problems with your online meetings.
With 25 years of facilitation experience, Jacinta is trusted by clients in government, universities and the community sectors, as well as thought leaders, experts and facilitators.
Jacinta has accreditations in community engagement (IAP2) and as a partnership broker, along with postgraduate qualifications in Corporate Social Responsibility and International Relations and a BA in Communications.
Jacinta lives in Naarm (Melbourne), in Wurrundjeri Country, and works anywhere - online and on-site.
When Jacinta is not facilitating, or helping you learn how, you might find her on her yoga mat, in her art studio, on the tennis court or on the tango dance floor.