[Be Exceptional] - Shining the Light on Executive Coach and Leadership Expert, Cathy Burke

Meet Cathy Burke, Executive Coach and Leadership Expert, Speaker, and Author of Lead In: Mindsets to Lead, Live and Work Differently

Her clients include eBay, Amazon, Omnium Technology, Decjuba, PwC, Business Chicks, Qantas, Ernst & Young, McKinsey & Co, Mecca Cosmetica, and Commonwealth Bank

image of cathy burke executive coaching expert in white coat smiling with greenery in the background

Cathy Burke is a world-renowned executive coach, speaker and global change maker. She was the CEO of The Hunger Project Australia, and then Global Vice President. And in these roles she worked to end hunger across South Asia and Africa for 20 years. She helps organisations and people develop the mindsets, leadership, and skills needed to address 21st century challenges.

Leadership at Scale

Cathy was also an integral member of the visionary team who developed leadership at scale in villages all over the world. Through her work, millions of the world’s poorest people stepped into leadership. And in this way they were able to feed themselves and their families.

With her skills as an executive coach, Cathy designs and leads transformational programs for village women. Under Cathy's guidance, even in the most difficult conditions, time and again people without anything were able to tap into the power of their mindset. This helped them to achieve remarkable outcomes in their communities.

Redefining Leadership

Today she helps global executives grapple with change so they can redefine what it means to be a leader.

cathy burke executive coach on stage for the hunger project with red, yellow and black background

She believes that the potential for leadership is available to everyone. And knows that it’s never been more important to activate this in organisations and communities worldwide. According to Cathy, 'In turbulent, unpredictable times, having someone who can unlock the capacity and leadership of your people is key to your organisation thriving and staying strong.'

Preparing for a Better Future

Cathy now works with organisations and leaders to develop the mindsets, authenticity, and capabilities needed to achieve a better future. As an executive coach and mindset coach she's done it with eBay in Silicon Valley, Amazon across Europe and Japan, with big and small organisations in Australia, and with individual people who want to empower their leadership ability to impact, influence and make a difference.

She received the Australian Davos leadership award and is an AFR Top 100 Women of Influence award winner.

book cover for 'Lead in: Mindsets to lead, live and work differently' by Cathy Burke executive coach with a blue cover and orange ball

Lead In: Mindsets to Lead, Live and Work Differently

Cathy recently released a book called Lead In: Mindsets to Lead, Live and Work Differently.

The complexity and unrelenting changes across the world are accelerating. It’s clear the old ways, and the ways of those who were leading, are not sufficient. Good people are losing hope and opting out.

Yet there is a way to energise leadership that is inclusive, impactful and inspiring. And Cathy believes that it's our mindset that holds the key.

Lead In is your practical and accessible guide to activating the mindsets you need to step into a new way of leading. It is for smart, ambitious, heart-centered people who want to unleash their power to make a difference – in their lives, their organisations and their world.

Lead In: Mindsets to Lead, Live and Work Differently will help you:

  • Identify and move past old beliefs holding you back.

  • Make the contribution you know you want to make.

  • Be centered and in action even when times are tough.

  • Lessen the grip of the 'not enough' mindset.

  • Empower others to 'lead in' as well.

What we love most about Cathy is how deeply she connects with her audience. She is like a mind reader. And she uses that skill to come to her audience with the perfect balance of kindness and courage. This helps her audience rise and achieve their personal potential. She articulates their feelings and fears and inspires you to step up and 'lead in'... now!

Connect with Cathy

You can connect with Cathy on her LinkedIn profile here!

Joining Our Women With Influence Coaching Community

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[Be Exceptional] Hobbies - Connecting to the Heart of Your Audience


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