[Be Exceptional] Shining the Light on Leadership and Talent Development Expert, Carolyn Shaw

Meet Carolyn Shaw, Leadership Development, & Talent Acquisition, Development and Management Expert

Ex-finance geek turned inclusionary leadership educator.

Carolyn Shaw lives her obsession through working with multinationals, not-for-profits, and national colleges to design, develop and deliver programs that build people's capability with bottom-line contribution.

For the past 10 years, she has led the talent management functions in the Australia-Asia region for multinational organisations. Her broad industry experience is underpinned by a solid commercial grounding of more than two decades of hands-on roles in leadership, functional management and project management.

In addition to corporate roles, she is an independent educator and accredited trainer for national colleges, corporate clients and not-for-profit organisations. In this capacity, she has designed, developed and delivered personal and professional skills development programs, workshops and seminars across manufacturing, finance, banking, information technology, private education, wholesale, SME, and community sectors.

Her passion lies in supporting organisations to be organisational fit - both smart and healthy. She takes culture, values-based leadership, and employee engagement to the bottom line.

She actively gives back through service leadership with not-for-profits deeply aligned with her values. She is currently the Toastmasters Leadership Institute Chairman, leading a team of trainers across Queensland, Northern Territory, Papua New Guinea and Northern NSW to service the leader development needs of 3,500+ members. She has also been a Learning for Life Sponsor with The Smith Family for 15 years.

In March 2017, she was honoured to receive an International Women's Day Award for Leadership in Education and Training. She was also awarded the 2018 Toastmaster of the Year in her four-state region and the 2019 MacPherson Community Service Award for service leadership in the not-for-profit education sector.

When Carolyn isn't educating leaders, her current hobbies include:

  • Raising teenage sons with the love of her life of 25 years.

  • Geeking out at the latest Star Wars movie release.

  • Hitting boot camps in her hyviz active wear.

Aside from her professional achievements, she is also known for her love of Star Wars, great coffee, and walking along the local beaches, bays, and, of course... bridges.

What I love most about Carolyn is the standard she sets. She doesn’t just talk about leadership but is committed to helping leaders hold a standard that is needed for the level of change in agile and adaptive cultures today and in the future. Having seen the best and worst of change in organisations, from restructures to mergers, she walks her talk. She gives up her time outside her normal working hours to help industry leaders at PSA (Professional Speaker Association) and delivering extra training and coaching on weekends. Boy, does she show up!

You can connect with Carolyn on her LinkedIn profile here!


As a Woman with Influence, Carolyn is part of our Women with Influence Community. Maybe you can see yourself being part of this community too!?

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