Jane Anderson | The Consulting Coach

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How to Have IMPACT in Job Interviews- on Channel 9's "MORNINGS"

Have Impact in Job Interviews Channel 9's Mornings

In case you missed it or can't access the video, this is the transcript from the interview on 'Mornings' on Channel 9 this week. I hope you find it helpful, feel free to share with someone who needs it!

SONIA: A new survey has found just HOW important they are, when it comes to your career. 33% of bosses know within the first 90 seconds of an interview if they will hire someone.

DAVID: So with the clock ticking... Queensland’s careers coach Jane Anderson joins us now with her secrets to nailing your next job interview. Jane, let's start with the basics... Choosing what to wear. Most people would automatically reach for a suit.. is there a blanket rule?
JANE: Be mindful of the type of role. If you have facial piercings or tattoos you need to ask yourself... are they acceptable or not? Look around at the other employees, what is the dress standard? People often forget that a recruiter is a key decision maker... So don't dress sloppy for them!

DAVID:  Going for a new role can be a nerve racking experience... what can you do to keep the jitters at bay?

JANE: This is the biggest problem people have when they go for an interview and nerves don't discriminate between men and women. Breathing is really important. If you can get your heart rate down you can increase oxygen flow to the brain, which will help you think under pressure. Going for an interview is like looking at a duck on a lake, on the surface they look calm but underneath their little feet are flat out... You need to shift your mindset. The interview isn't about you. It's about how you can help the company.... Pay attention to the job description. What are they looking for? Most people just see the title and how much they are paying! So focus on the tasks, what are their problems and what can you solve?

DAVID: What about the curve ball questions they always seem to ask. Is there a fail-safe way to be prepared for anything they throw at you?

JANE: The question most people stumble on is 'tell us what your weaknesses are'... A lot of people will say, 'it's hard to say no.' This is the worst answer because it says you have a problem that's permanent. Instead you need to say... 'I'm very customer focused, I want to please everybody but sometimes that puts too much on my plate. How I combat that is by using a diary and delegating tasks. This is helping prioritise tasks.' Look at the skills they are looking for. That's HOW you do the job.. if you're great with customers or highly organised. Create a bank of examples when you have done those things... Such as a time you have dealt with a difficult client, how you've been proactive, organised. Most people don't prepare for these different scenarios and it can trip you up during the interview.

DAVID: The job market is tough... How can you stand out from the crowd?

JANE. Organisations are looking for Ideas, Innovation, and Initiative. Bring ideas. The job market is tough, competition is fierce and you have to stand out.

I've interviewed for my own staff in the last week and had someone put together a presentation for me... It doesn't have to be elaborate. It just has to show you have initiative. Take work samples to the interview.. they can be emails you've sent to show your communication skills.

DAVID: Thanks so much for your time Jane, we'll have to leave it there and look forward to having you back soon.