Jane Anderson | The Consulting Coach

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How To Manage Your Digital Brand if You Don't Want To Be Found

How To Manage Your Digital Brand if You Don't Want To Be Found

Recently it was shared that Australia has the highest penetration in LinkedIn. That is, Australia is the country that has the highest amount of professionals on LinkedIn and we’re almost at 100%! How good is that?!
My experience is that the few that aren’t on though are those who:

  • don’t understand it,

  • don’t have time,

  • think it’s just for recruitment, or

  • have an issue with being found by an ex-partner or issues with a stalker.

I recently worked with a client who had the challenge of marketing herself because she had been divorced and didn't want her ex-husband to be able to find where she lived or worked. Her personal relationships were now affecting her ability to market herself effectively and build her networks online. She was in a sales role where her ability to reach out and connect was crucial.

When working with clients I generally walk them through a Pull strategy (how to help people find you easily) and the other being the Push strategy (how to approach the market with a Boom!). What we do know in this game of Personal Branding is that it’s not a one size fits all. And in this case it’s a balancing act between making a great first impression vs looking like you have something to hide.

The good news is that LinkedIn has a number of features that can help you manage this situation. Here are the steps:

  1. Google yourself to see what does come up if they were looking for you. Check that there aren't any sites that have your home address, where you work etc.

  2. If you can see your LinkedIn page in a Google search you’ll need to update some settings so that you’re not visible. To do this:

Go to the settings area

You’ll see the option to edit your public profile which is what shows up on a Google search

Once you've clicked on the link you’ll see a page that has the options of those things you’re happy for someone to see. You also have the option that no-one can see you:

You also have the option to block someone and you can decide who sees your photo and who doesn't:

In the “Communications” area there are settings like turning off InMail, selecting who can send you invitations, types of messages you can receive:

So don’t be afraid to get into the settings area and make the changes you need to. The default settings won’t protect you, so make sure you’re managing them to reflect what you’re using LinkedIn for.

If you’re in this situation, something to be mindful of is that, depending on your role you’ll need to write your profile strategically, so that it still supports you and your business goals. As there will now be more pressure on you to proactively connect, you’ll need to ensure there is information to engage your connection so they are part of your network and so they don’t feel like you’re hiding anything.

To do that you might decide to engage the services of a professional LinkedIn Profile writer to make sure you’re protected as well as set up for success. If you need help, let me know, I’d be glad to refer you to one of my recommended writers.