Jane Anderson | The Consulting Coach

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[Be Exceptional] – Shining the Light on Corporate Coaching for Unshakeability with Sue Anderson

Meet Sue Anderson, Unshakeable at Work, Author, Corporate Coach, Speaker and Trainer

Her corporate coaching clients include Victoria State Government, Tango Energy, McCain, RSPCA, Mars Wrigley, Ballarat Health Services, Transport Accident Commission, FMP Group, NDIA, Victoria Legal Aid, Homes Victoria, Frankston City Council, Northern Grampians Shire Council, Hindmarsh Shire Council, Hobson’s Bay City Council, East Gippsland Shire Council, Warrnambool Shire Council, Federal University West Vic Academy of Sport, City Venue Management Qld, JS Law, Northern Mallee Leaders Inc and countless more...

Sue Anderson works in the field of emotional intelligence. Her specialty is helping people develop mental toughness so they can excel (not handle) in the pressures of the modern workplace. At the same time she works with teams to develop cultures that nurture talent not neutralise it.

A highly sought after speaker, corporate coach, trainer and author, Sue Anderson works with organisations and businesses to develop highly functional and productive workplaces, with confident, resilient and motivated employees.

A well-respected thought leader, Sue’s areas of resilience are in building individual empowerment. Sue utilises her cutting-edge methodology to help individuals and teams move from a place of fear and dysfunction to a highly engaged, confident workforce.

Her corporate coaching allows her to integrate and refine areas including communication, motivation, beliefs and emotion. And Sue’s programs empower employees, enabling ongoing positive human interaction in the workplace and beyond.

With qualifications in psychology, management, quality assurance, training and neuro-semantics, Sue’s unique approach is accessible, fun and builds capability rather than taking a punitive or Band-Aid approach to improving productivity in the workplace. Sue has worked successfully in the area of resilience with children and adults since 2007.

Her book, Unshakeable at Work, was published in 2018. Sue believes that developing an unshakeable workplace culture is critical to improving everyone’s wellbeing and quality of life.

Understanding the impact of belief intelligence

Sue is obsessed with belief intelligence. Belief Intelligence about building organisations that nurture talent, not negate it. This means people develop their resilience and mental toughness. Sue takes people from leaving their workplace to leading in their workplace.

After working with Sue, people are happier, more confident, empowered and resilient. This means their productivity improves and risks are reduced. She achieves this through corporate coaching, training and development programs.

Sue’s programs include:

• Unshakeable Leaders
• Unshakeable Teams
• Unshakeable at Work
• Team coaching & facilitating
• Individual Coaching
• Mentoring

Corporate coaching work

In her corporate coaching work, Sue works with clients including local councils, businesses and organisations. A sought-after speaker, she speaks on topics such as:

• Self-esteem
• Motivation
• Communication
• Resilience

Unshakeable at Work

Unshakeable at Work: How to stop taking things personally and start building resilience so you can thrive in a customer service environment.

Do you work in a demanding customer service role?

Are you constantly feeling worn down by grumpy or unreasonable customers or clients?

If yes, this book is for you.

Imagine being able to walk out the door at the end of the day without having used up all your niceness. Imagine being able to enjoy your Sunday without dreading going back to work.

You can have a life outside of work and have the energy to do things you enjoy on weekends. You can have a great day at work, even if someone tries to push your buttons. You can reduce your stress levels. This book will show you how.

You will learn simple, easy-to-use strategies you can apply instantly. No mumbo jumbo, no fluffy, airy-fairy stuff, just practical tips so you look forward to work, enjoy being there and go home happy.

Getting to know Sue

What I love most about Sue is her calmness. No matter what might be happening she still gracefully navigates her practice with focus, intentionality, attention and precision. Sometimes she’s like Tom Cruise in the scene in Mission Impossible stepping over the red laser beams. And when she sees the results she comes alive with so much joy!

You can connect with Sue on her LinkedIn profile here!

As a woman with influence, Sue is part of our Women with Influence Community. Maybe you can see yourself being part of this community too!?

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